CMCC Children’s Program

JAM Kids
Our Children’s ministry is designed for children from 3 years old up to the 5th grade.

The JAM program encourages children to get to know God and the Bible in fun and exciting ways. We desire to help children grow in their knowledge of Jesus and in their faith, to then show others God’s love.
JAM runs alongside the adult church service, starting at 4:25pm each Sunday. Kids will sit in the adult service for worship and announcement and will be dismissed around 4:45pm to attend the JAM program. JAM meets on the 2nd floor in the Education Wing of First Thai Church (the long building across from the large grass parking lot).
We first meet as a Big Group and enjoy singing together and learning about the Bible stories through skits and video clips. Children are then divided into small groups by school grade to do age appropriate activities based on the Big Group topic.
First Time Guest Registration
As first time guests, we would like to make your visit with us enjoyable and simple. Listed below are a few details that are important to your visit.
*Guest Check-In is located at the JAM Registration table, outside of the main church building. Registration is open to children 3 years old to 5th grade only.
*We ask that all guests fill out a children’s registration card and leave it at the JAM table before acquiring a guest name badge and matching parent key chain. (Online registration is available here.)
*For safe check-out you must present your key chain when you pick up your child.

To get latest news and information, sign up for the
JAM Private FB group here: JAMily Updates.
For any question or for more information, email