From our leadership team
Welcome to Chiang Mai Community Church! Whether you’re just passing through or just moved to Chiang Mai, we’re delighted to have you here today as a part of this ‘international’ family! It won’t be long before you begin to realize that there is great diversity in this family, but also I hope you sense the underlying ties that unite us. Though our family is made up of people from many denominations, nations, cultures and languages, we regard the Word of God and our relationship with God and with one another, as the greatest sources of our identity.
If you’re here for a few weeks you’ll see the variety of ways in which our worship is expressed, through praise, prayer, and preaching, but we believe it is our heart connection with God, both individually and corporately, that is at the core of our worship.In our service of one another we believe each of us has a significant role to play in the life of our local family. As each of us acknowledge our God-given gifts and abilities, we give expression to them in the variety of ways that we serve within the Church.
Our diversity is also expressed in the many and varied ways that our family serve this nation, city and society around us. Our family members serve in long established ministries that reach out to the poor, the vulnerable and marginalized in this society. Others are involved in Bible translation, ministering in Thai and Tribal Churches, and reaching out to foreigners whether in prison or in hospital. However our outreach is expressed, we endeavor together to ‘embrace our world with the heart of God.’
We pray that you will be greatly blessed by being a part of this family!
Yours together in Christ,
CMCC Leadership Team